We are co-creators with the Universe. We create and manifest our own destinies, realities and futures! We make no resolutions! We make and manifest our intentions!! Intentions?! Manifestation of a successful and enjoyable 2022 Journey!
Let us take these five (4) steps into the revelation and manifestation of our 2022 journey
Draw a line down the middle of a large sheet of paper. Label the heading on the left side “STRENGTHS” and the right-side “DISTRACTIONS”
Step # 1 Reflect on everything that has impacted your life in the past year.
First recall significant events, accomplishments, as well as challenges you overcame. Identify positive character traits you developed and people who have touched your life. All of these events, outcomes, challenges, traits, and support networks represent your personal strengths. Make answers as brief as possible, and list them under “STRENGTHS”
Even if you initially feel an event or experience or even a person or a personal character trait was not a positive one, ask yourself and answer the following questions:
What was the best thing about what happened to me? What did I learn from this experience or person about myself, others, or my environment?
The answers may reveal valuable lessons learned regardless of whether or not you achieved exactly what you set out to. Again, note that these are all STRENGTHS!
Step #2 You will review the different areas of your life that encompass your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
On a separate sheet of paper, list these areas:
Physical environment
Relationships (family, friends, community (includes civic, social and spiritual communities
Personal Growth
Now for each of these areas, consider things that you are grateful for, the values you live by, the present or current status of each of these areas and, finally, consider any current challenges you are facing as well. After thoughtful consideration, rate each area on a scale of 1 to 10. Determine your satisfaction standard. (Perhaps a 7 in one area is satisfactory, but a 9 is required for you to feel totally satisfied with another.) If you are satisfied with this area, record it under STRENGTHS. If you feel you can in any way improve your satisfaction with an area, record it on the right side of the paper under DISTRACTIONS. Please note that until you are completely convinced that this area of your life is “as good as it gets” or meets your standards, you are just tolerating its annoyances and you will continue to be distracted by its energy drain on your well- being. Coaching helps people eliminate tolerations.
Next, choose one or two areas you most want to improve and ask yourself three valuable questions:
1) Why do I really want to achieve a specific outcome? ("to be happy" is not specific enough). The reason should inspire and excite you. With a strong enough "why," you'll do more than get by!
2) What are the underlying beliefs and resources required for me to take confident action? Strategies go astray if beliefs are not congruent with and resources do not support one’s actions.
3) What specific actions must be taken daily, weekly, or monthly to achieve this outcome? Partnering up with a personal coach can increase your success!
Step #3 Revise those strategies that haven't proven successful in the past.
Perhaps doing something a little bit differently is all that is necessary to get better results. Ask yourself: What would the person I would like to become, do about this situation? How would the person I would like to become, do what I am about to do? Your answers represent a plan of action that might eliminate the DISTRACTION items listed.
Step #4a Renew meaningful relationships.
Acknowledge the people you included in your support network under STRENGTHS. During the next week or month, take the initiative to recognize each of them in a meaningful way for creating a positive impact on your life. The comments or gestures must be genuine and authentic. You can do this in a three minute thank you note, e- mail greeting, having the person’s car washed, a floral delivery, or phone call today rather than waiting for "someday" to do it. Remember, someday is not a day of the week!
Step #4b Renew your passion for life! Don't sweat the small stuff, celebrate it!
Often times it is the small things that are the big things (especially in a relationship). The little things can add up to the truly monumental and meaningful experiences of our life that we generally recognize only when we look back with 20/20 vision. Be thankful for all that happens to create those challenges in life. It’s the challenges that make the greatest and most notable impact on your transformation and growth! Many people never take the time to celebrate their own accomplishments. Do be so modest that you neglect to celebrate your accomplishments even if you do it quietly alone or with your personal life coach! Be proud of and honor your journey! This is a very important step. As you review last year, take your bows for all of your accomplishments and for making this far if nothing else!
Making time to reflect, review, revise, and renew this year 2022 will be the most extraordinary beginning of the rest of your life! Please note that we welcome the opportunity to partner with you, to assist and hold you accountable for you to meet your objectives and goals. You may contact us via this website.